Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oh Baby!

Long time no blog!

I've been busy, lots of spinning, knitting, weaving and being a mama going on over here. Not a whole lot of cooking going on though. Summer is usually too hot to make anything more then BBQ. But for me that hasn't been the issue. Morning sickness has! We're expecting a little girl in October.

Morning sickness and generally pregnancy woes have really taken a toll on my energy levels in the past couple of months. Now that I'm in my 25th week, my energy finally seems to be recovering and I can get back to knitting and crafting like I'm used to.

I've been on a baby knitting jag. Lots of baby stuff flying off of my needles. I've been spinning a good bit and am starting to be able to spin really fine singles. I'm super proud of that achievement .

Here's an adorable little sleep sack I knit. Pattern is Owlie Sleep Sack, I used Knitpicks Brava in the Paprika colorway. For this yarn being 100% acrylic it's really soft and shows the cabled owls off.

Easy Peasy Newborn hat in Lion Brand's Sock Ease in the Red Hots colorway. The yarn is a little itchy, I hope it softens after I wash and block the hat.

Spring Time Baby Cardi was a fun and quick little knit. I didn't seem it quite right though but it'll do for now. I used Vanna's Choice in Kelly Green. The yarns a little on the rough side but it's inexpensive and easy enough to knit with.

Here's a neat little knit. The Inca-Dincadoo cardigan. I've never knit a cardigan like this before. Everything is knit in once piece from the back to the front and then seamed up the sides.  It looks kind of funny at first, but once you fold it, you can see what it will look like when your done. I used Viking Balder in Red. Great superwash wool yarn, lightly spun and very squishy to the touch.

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