Friday, July 23, 2010

Squee!! I have mobile internet!!

My H just got me the mobile hotspot from Sprint! I can't tell you how cool it is to post/surf/read blogs on my computer, in my car! (I'm not driving of course!) I can usually get to most websites from my phone but it's a pain to read stuff on the tiny little screen. And forget reading a pattern or looking up my project queue, lol!

I just need to figure out how to upload pics on to the mini pc. It has a usb port, a jump drive should work right?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Paca, Paca, Paca!!

My son is 3 and still has a little trouble with certain words. He can't quite say "alpaca" so it comes out "paca".

And that's the word we heard all trip long! LOL. We went for our annual trip to Victory Ranch. It's a wonderful place where they sell and raise aplacas. There's so much fibery goodness there it's all I can do not to ask them to adopt me.

We left yesterday afternoon and took the high road to Taos. On the way there we stopped in Penasco for a little picnic. The drive is so pretty and the mountain air was blessedly cool.

Usually I never see any neat wild animals on these drives. But this time was different. First we saw a sweet little doe and I was pretty excited. Then my SIL says "Holy crap there's a bear!" And dude, there was a freaking bear about 100 yards from us! I've never been so "close" to a wild bear before. I shot a couple of pictures and we left. I'm a dork but I felt pretty special getting a to see that guy.

We stopped a few miles down the road and had our picnic. I took a ton of pictures, but no worries I'll only post....a few.

My H and I. The only pics we ever seem to have of ourselves are the goofy self portrait kind. Huh. Guess that really does show our personalities.

My daughter Bella sniffing a daisy.

Mathis getting a kiss from the 'pacas!!!

Souvenir yarn from Los Vigiles Fiber Studio in Chimayo, NM.

Royal Spinnery yarn that I bought from Victory Ranch.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

12 Projects in 12 months

My good friend Telma of is doing a wonderful project. 12 socks in 12 months. It looks like a fun way to challenge one's knitting abilities and come out with some spiffy socks in the end! I'd like nothing more then to join her. But after starting socks in every imaginable fashion (dpn's, magic loop and even 8 inch circs!) I've discovered that socks hate my face. This is astonishing to me as I've never done anything to socks so I'm quite miffed that they're so hostile. In fact I'm never going to bother with socks again! (Really I just can't handle the rejection.)

I still want to do 12 somethings in 12 months. I've picked 12 projects that I feel are generally within my knitting abilities, each one has to cost $40 or less and away I go.

I think this'll help with my random knitting habits and I'll actually get more projects done. We'll see eh?

With that I'm going to organize my Ravlery queue and I'll leave you with a gratuitous "baby in the yarn room in a cute hat and jammies" pic.

P.S. I'm Pyrokittie on Raverly if you'd like to be friends!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A lime green hat and a FO!

My niece Marilynn is knitting her first hat! I taught her what to do and she's doing the decreases now. I'm so proud I could bust! (that's my hand dyed yarn by the way, =D)

I'm just about done with the prayer shawl I was working on. Sadly all I have is a dorky self portrait with it. Sorry my batteries died and I'm waiting for them to charge. It's ok though we all know I'm a goof ball.

I'm going to wash and block it now and I'll have better pics for ya'll tomorrow. 

With that I'm going to eat the yummy homemade red chile enchiladas my H cooked. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My knit ink...

Here it is! Finally my own knitting tattoo. I'm so in love with it. The colors, the content, the placement, perfect! Let me know what you think. =D