Monday, June 27, 2011

Off to the frog pond

Today I cleaned my yarn room and by clean I mean I shuffled junk from one spot to another. Through all this "cleaning" I found a ton of WIP's that I'm just not that into anymore. Once, when we were both young and carefree these WIP's and I had big dreams. Dreams of knitting in exotic places, dreams of being the big hit at a birthday party or Christmas. As I looked over these projects I realized how much I as a knitter have grown since then, and I told my old, neglected WIP's the truth, it's not me it's them. And I frogged the crap out of the whole lot. Ahh my Ravelry que is a lot lighter and I now I have room to move on to bigger, better, cuter projects. <3

Monday, June 6, 2011

Well that was random

Yesterday my SIL Wendy and I got the wild idea to make a rainbow cake. No other reason than it was a slow going Sunday afternoon. Off to the store we went to procure our ingredients! Now if you know anything about me, you know I don't bake. It's not because I don't like it or because it intimidates me. It's because baking hates my face. Evidently at some point in my life I pissed the baking goddess off and ever since then everything I bake turns to....well crud. I figured the wench had to of forgotten about me by now and decided to try my hand at the rainbow cake.
It wasn't perfect but it wasn't my usual disaster. Maybe the baking goddess was drunk and thought a half awesome cake would be, awesome.

I would have loved to have shown you the cake in all it's frosted glory but the minons got to it before then. It was a caksacre (heh, get it?) . There were technicolor crumbs every where, my little cake never stood a chance. Maybe the baking wench didn't forget me after all?

-L <3