Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Super Secret Knitting

Kinda sounds like a bad spy novel huh? Eh, I'd read it!

So I'm working a test knit for a pattern a friend of mine, it's not really super secret but I felt way cooler saying that!

 Michelle is  a fantastic knitter and an even better pattern writer. The pattern is great, very easy and well written. Even my dorky self is doing well with it. You can see Michelle's knitting blog at Fickle Knitter. My knitting actually looks like it's supposed to! As soon as I can I'll post a pic, until then, at least I can show you the yarn I'm using.

Berroco Sox Metallic in Kiwi. (I have like 10 balls of this stuff!)

I finally started the Accidentally on Purpose Drop Stitch tank......and I don't like it. The yarn that's recc'd is funky and I think my gauge is waaay off. (Confession: I never check my gauge.) This knit is just annoying me so I frogged it and I'm on the hunt for something that's fun to knit. Any suggestions? =D

Friday, June 25, 2010

The never ending scarf

I've been working on this scarf for 2 years. It was supposed to be a scarf for my husband. It was the very first thing I ever started knitting. To this day it bores me to tears. I wonder if it'll ever be done? Maybe in another 2 years. 

I'm still plugging away on the sweaters. I think I'm going to put them away for a while. They really are fall/winter knits. I'm really itching to start a pretty tank top. I found the Accidentally on Purpose Drop Stitch Tank from Stitch and Bitch Nation. I have some pretty red yarn that would work or I could do Astealerofheart's Heart tank?
Or last but not least Tomis. Decisions, decisions!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A birthday present

My dear Dad is turning 50 in a few days and I've started a cute birthday scarf for him. I'm really hoping he'll like the colors I chose. I used Paton's Classic Wool in Harvest. The wool is a little harder to work with because it's so stretchy but I'm doing ok so far. What do you think?

I'd post a pic of the sweaters but they all look pretty much the same just a few inches longer,s o let's do some Q&A. My friend Telma from KnittyorNice tagged me on her blog today with this:

1- What’s your staple meal (ie. what meal do you cook most often when you 
can't be bothered to be adventurous? I don't really cook. I leave that business up to my husband. My family is very grateful for that!

2- What do you want to be when you grow up?
A sonographer. =)

3- What book are you reading at the moment (if any)? KnitLit and Twenties Girl

4- How do you relax? I hide in my office and knit, weave or catch a few zzzz's

5- What color are the interior walls of your home? Builders beige. I've been lazy about painting our new house. We're working on that though. Starting with the garage. 

6- What is your guiltiest pleasure? Yarn shopping..without the kids. Oh how I love the colors, the smells the textures. But it's a pain for me to get to the yarn store with my kiddos (they really don't behave, LOL). My H tries to give me a few hours a month but it's hard with his job. 

7- What time is bedtime and getting up time? Around 11 or 12 for bedtime. I wake usually as my H is headed out for 7:30 ish.

8- How long do you spend reading blogs (per day or per week)? About an hour or so per day so 7 or 8 hours a week. I love reading blogs and making comments on them =). 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weaving, waving, woving,

Sounds like a Dr. Seuss story huh? LOL. It's what keeps going through my head as I'm weaving my table runner.

I've had my Cricket loom for about 6 months now and I haven't even tried to use it once. I saw the Yarn Harlot's blog a few days ago and I decided to dust it off and see what I could do. What can I say? I'm a follower. =)

I've had a few snags, I didn't warp the loom correctly in two different areas (easy enough fixes thankfully) and I've missed a few of the warp strings with the weft strings. But I'm having fun learning and I hope to make weaving a staple in my fiber obsession. Just what I need, another reason to buy yarn!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm a yarn pig

Or at least I have one. Meet Purl, my own sweet piggy bank. She keeps all the household change which I use as my yarn fund.

She's such a lovely companion, a good listener and she never complains when I ask her for a loan. Lmao.

Thanks to my sweet H for such a cute and useful office buddy.

I got bored last night and decided to try out the kool aid dying everyone's been talking about. I used some bulky white wool and the only kool aid I had on hand, lemon lime. Not too shabby. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Peacock Feather

Now that's a pretty name for a colorway of yarn. I just got a great deal on some of Stitch Nation's Alpaca Love and I'm excited! 6 skeins is a sweaters worth of yarn, now all I have to do is find the perfect pattern. Raverly Pattern Search, here I come!

Maybe this will become the famed February Lady sweater. I think this color would look good on that knit.

I've been plugging along on my Deconstructed Jacket. I just finished the first arm hole. Sorry for the cruddy cell phone pic. I lost my camera in my office somewhere. My office is always a damn mess but I think I like it that way. Organized chaos and all that.

I really am enjoying this knit even if it is a bit slow going.

The color is still one of my favorites, a deep sapphire blue.

I've also been knitting on my Wren sweater here and there.

About 3 1/2 inches so far. It's curling up like crazy so I had to use a leatherman and a bottle of Soak to hold down the edges for the picture.

I really love this color too! It's a new introduction to my wardrobe. I've been trying very hard to use brighter colors, mostly jewel tones.

I think I mentioned this yarn before, it's Full o'Sheep from Stitch Nation by Debbie Stoller, in Thyme. I think it's more of a peridot color but that could be because I like colors named after gemstones.

I don't think I posted about it but I finished my daughter's summer tank top a few weeks ago. She's been enjoying wearing it at least once a week and it's holding up well. I can't tell you how happy I am that something I made is being used, the way it's supposed to be. It's not being handled gently and my little Isabella is giving it a run for it's money. She looks adorable in it too! But she doesn't hold still long enough for me to take a picture.

Last but not least a little bit of yarn pron....

Cascade 220 Heathers in 2425 (ooh fancy name!) and some plan old Brown Sheep in...Storm. I would have called that one Root Beer.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blueberry Yum-Yum

I never liked that song but I can't help but have the name run through my head when I look at my sweater. It's the Deconstructed Jacket from Lion Brand.

So far the pattern has been really easy to follow and I like the results.

I'm a little bored with all the stockinette stitch. So I think I'm going to start another project. Nothing huge but something to keep me entertained. I'll keep working on the DJ but maybe not as often.

I'm going to start Lady Kina in Stitch Nations' Full o'Sheep in the Thyme colorway.

I'll let you know how it goes.