Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mellow Yellow

I've started a new shawl, Saroyan by Liz Abinante, a wonderful free pattern off of Ravelry. After throwing all those other projects in the pond it felt time for something new. This is my first project using Malabrigo and I am in LOVE. I'm using the colorway Saturine, it's bright, beautiful yellow that just makes you happy to see it. The yarn is a soft, smushy single ply that makes you want to squeeze the heck out of it. I think this is going to be a favorite accessory. 

I can see myself wearing this shawl in the fall and it being a great pop of color against a dreary landscape. (Yeah I'm already thinking of fall knitting.) I have a few other things planned but I'm not sure if I'll get to them.

What fall knitting projects have you started planning or started knitting?