Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Knit list

Some people have what's called a Bucket List. On a Bucket List you write all the things you'd like to do before you die, or "kick the bucket". It's a cute idea, one I'm going to adapt to my crafty little life. I'm going to write a Knit List, and on it will be all the yarny things that I want to do before summer is over. I never expect to finish this list and I'll change it continuously. It's still fun to write it all down.

Knit List Summer 2011
1. Citron
2. Clapotis
3. Finish my WIP's
4. Attempt something with A cable
5. Gretel Tam
6. Learn to knit "normally"
7. Write a pattern
8. Learn to crochet
9. Find a knitting group
10. Dye my own yarn

What's on your knit list?

Just for fun, here's a pic of my current WIP. 

-Lea <3



  1. I'd like to hear what knitting "normally" is. Do you knit through the back loop?

  2. I do knit through the back loop! I was told it was the wrong way to knit. Until now I've been too lazy to learn the right way.
